Terms of Use

Last Updated: May 2024


1.    Introduction

These Terms of Use form an agreement between you and KIPIT ApplicationsLtd. (“KIPIT”).  These Terms ofUse apply to your use of the KIPIT application (“Application”), theKIPIT website, and any other services we provide through our software (collectively“Services”).


2.    Registrationand Acceptance of Terms

2.1.  You must provide accurate and complete information to register foran account to use our Services.

2.2.  By ticking the box and/or accessing our Services, you expresslyacknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with and bebound by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree withthese terms, please do not open an account or use our Services.  

2.3.  You further confirm that you are authorized to agree to these termson behalf of the party for whom an account has been opened by you.


3.    Description ofServices

3.1. Kipit is yourone-stop-shop app that allows you to save, categorize, keep, and share all thecontent you find, or want to.

Planning something together? No problem - Kipit lets youteam up.

Free now, and always. No ads, nodistractions, simplified content consumption, centralizing all your onlinelinks in one organized location.



4.    Useof Services

4.1.  You may use the Services only for lawful purposes and in accordancewith all applicable local laws and regulation where you operate.

4.2.  It is rare for Links to containpersonal data, and KIPIT operates assuming that there is no personal data thatcan identify you or any other identifiable person in Links saved by you to theApplication. We recommend that you check to make surethat any Links that you save to the Application do not contain personal datawhich can identify you or any other identifiable person and that you do notsave any Links with personal data to the Application. These Links are nottreated by KIPIT as personal data.

4.3.  You shall not engage in any activities that violate applicablelaws, infringe on the rights of others, or interfere with the operation of the Application.For example, you shall not:

(a)     decompile,reverse engineer, disassemble, illegally exploit or access, or otherwiseattempt to determine source code for the executable code of the Services, andagree not to permit or authorize anyone else to do so; there is no tolerance for objectionable content orabusive users;

(b)     use ourServices in a way that infringes, misappropriates or violates anyone’s rights;

(c)     use theServices to facilitate a crime or criminal act, spread hate or promote violence;

4.4.  You shall be liable for any violation of the foregoing from youraccount with KIPIT.  


5.    ThirdParty Services.

5.1. Our Servicesmay include third party software, products, or services, which does notoriginate with KIPIT, including without limitation, the cloud-services platform(“Third Party Platforms”).

5.2. Youacknowledge and agree that Third-Party Platforms may be governed by terms andconditions of the third-party providers, and we are not responsible for them. KIPITdoes not control and is not responsible for Third Party Platforms and you shallbear all risks related to use of such Third-Party Platforms, including anyproducts, services and information provided by such third parties.

5.3. AnyThird-Party Platform made accessible by KIPIT to you is provided on an “as is”and “as available” basis without any warranty of any kind, to the maximumextent allowable in accordance with applicable law. Without derogating from theabove, KIPIT assumes no liability for the default, or unavailability, or errorin the Third-Party Platform.


6.    DataPrivacy

We will collect and process user data in accordance with ourPrivacy Policy, including the use of Links as set forth therein.  


7.    IntellectualProperty

7.1.  We retain ownership of all intellectual property rights related tothe Application and Services. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive,revocable license to use the Services for their intended purpose.

7.2.  Any feedback, comments, ideas, improvements or suggestions(collectively, “Suggestions”) provided by you to KIPIT with respect tothe Application shall remain the sole and exclusive property of KIPIT. KIPITshall be free to use, copy, modify, publish, or redistribute the Suggestionsfor any purpose and in any way without any credit or any compensation to you.


8.    Disclaimerof Warranties

The Services are provided “as is” and “as available” without anywarranties. We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy,completeness, or reliability of the Services.


9.    Limitationof Liability

In no event will KIPIT or its subsidiaries or affiliates (“KIPITEntities”) be liable to you for any lost profits or savings, lost business,loss of data, or incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages,whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), productliability, whether or not such party has been advised of the possibility ofsuch damage.  Without derogating from theforegoing, and to the maximum extent allowable in accordance with applicablelaw, in no event shall any KIPIT Entity’s liability exceed the aggregate feespaid by you to KIPIT.


10.  Modifications and Updates to the Application

10.1.  KIPIT reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue,temporarily or permanently, the Application or any Service to which itconnects, with or without notice and without liability to you.

10.2.  Updates to the Application may from time to time provideenhancements or improvements to the features/ functionality of the Application,which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other modifications("Updates"). Updates may modify or delete certain featuresand/or functionalities of the Application. You agree that KIPIT has noobligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to provide or enableany particular features and/or functionalities of the Application to you. Youfurther agree that all Updates will be (i) deemed to constitute an integralpart of the Application, and (ii) subject to the terms and conditions of thisAgreement


11.  Termination

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Servicesif:

11.1.  The account was inactive for more than one (1) year.

11.2.  We receive a demand to do so from a judicial authority  

11.3.  You breached these Terms of Use.

11.4.  Your use of the Services our could cause risk or harm to KIPIT ENTITYor anyone else.

11.5.  We cease providing our Services for any reason.



12.  Indemnification


You agree to indemnify and hold KIPIT and its parents,subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors(if any) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys'fees, due to or arising out of your: (a) use of the Application; (b) violationof these Terms of Use or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any rightof a third party.


13.  Miscellaneous

13.1.  You may not assign any rights and obligations under this Terms ofUse. KIPIT shall have the right to assign this Agreement to any of itssubsidiaries, affiliates, controlled or related companies.

13.2.  KIPIT reserves the right to modify or update these Terms of Use atany time. Users are encouraged to review the terms periodically.

13.3.  This Terms of Use (together with its Privacy Policy) containthe entire understanding of the Parties as to its subject matter and may not bemodified except in writing executed by both Parties.

13.4.  These term of Use and any dispute arising out of youruse of the Services, or in connection therewith including any claim in relationto the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy (“Dispute”) shall be governed bythe laws of the State of Israel, without regard to principles of conflict oflaws.  Any Dispute between you and aKIPIT Entity arising out of, in whole or in part, use of the Services, shall bedecided exclusively by a competent court located in Tel Aviv, Israel, and noother court shall have jurisdiction.  You hereby consent and waive any claim of lack of personal jurisdictionand forum non convenient with respect to the venue and jurisdiction of Tel Avivcourts. Notwithstanding any statute or law to the contrary, You agree that anyclaim or cause of action arising out of or related to the Services must be fileby You within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose, or suchcause of action shall be barred.

13.5.  Contact Information:



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